Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Barrel of Kisses....

The boy surprised me yesterday afternoon with this little gem <3  It wasn't enough that we already had a lovey-dovey breakfast at the valley-famous, More than Waffles restaurant. Afterwards we strolled over to Michael's to check out the Labor Day sale and drool over the new Halloween Decorations. I love strolling on a Saturday. le siiiiigh. 

 Anyway he slipped this treasure into the cart! Isn't he the best poopie in all the world? He knows I have a serious Root Beer addiction and I could never have enough lip balms. He knows me <3


Packed with eight different red, blue and yellow lake dyes and a warning label to boot, I'm guessing its not the healthiest of lip balms. lol but I don't care. It smells yummy and brings back the Bonnie Bell days of Dr. Pepper Lip Smackers and soda pop kisses. A top pick in my book.