Sunday, August 28, 2011

It pays to clean

This week I decided, "Enough is enough!" Generally I'm a very neat, very clean person---all of the time. However, on occasion I will let certain areas get a little out of control. My beauty pantry is one such messy cavern of shame. "What kinda of a guru am I?" I thought. Hair products mixed in with lotions, oils in the medicine bin, empty band-aid boxes, tampons in the cotton ball bag!!! stop the insanity! I finally did :o)



I realize because of the sheer volume of stuffage, it may not look better but trust me it is! I actually brought all the products I use everyday, up to eye level on the middle shelf. And the bottom shelf is the hair floor. I also threw away a LOT of old products, expired products, empty bottles and boxes. Not only did it give me more space but I actually found something that I had lost and eventually thought to believe didn't exist!......

That's right! A $50 dollar gift card for Sephora that I'd received two years ago for my birthday! Talk about magic money! You know when you find an extra couple bucks in an old jacket pocket, jeans or in the center console of your car? It felt just like that---even better! I was actually feeling pretty bad about missing a Sephora grand opening in Pasadena that morning. I would've been able to win a free gift card....but it turns out I didn't need to! There was one waiting for me at home! Do you know whats in your closet?